
When I got sober, one of the first things I had to address was my health - which included my teeth. I knew it was a huge obstacle for me financially and I really had no idea how I was going to tackle this. 

My front tooth was barely hanging on and it was very painful. Fortunately for me, my amazing family stepped in. My mom offered to put my dental work on a credit card so I could pay it back monthly, and that's what I did.

 I couldn't believe the difference in how I felt. Suddenly I was smiling all the time. I was no longer shying away from the camera - I felt good about me. Now I talk to everyone and smile without having my hand over my mouth all the time. 

As a result of going through this myself, I know the difference a beautiful smile makes in a person. I've been drug-free for over three and a half years and my life is blessed. Having my smile restored was a huge stepping stone in my recovery. 

My brother Eric, who passed away on October 15th, 2018, also had to have dental work done. My last conversation with him was about putting something together to get a mutual friend's teeth fixed. In honor of him, Eric's Smiles was created. 

Please join us in restoring the smiles of those who are in recovery. Stay posted for before and after stories and pictures. As a family we are excited about this avenue of ministry and prayer, and know it will touch many lives in the years to come. 

- Lawana Ford